Kaitlyn David

Major: Event Management
Company/Organization: Prairie Moon Winery
Company/Organization website: https://prairiemoonwinery.com/
Destination: Ames, Iowa
Timeframe: Summer 2023
Advisor/Coordinator Email: jbeyer@iastate.edu


Some responsibilities I was given during my internship included coordinating logistics with clients and vendors for events, communicating details with clients via phone and email, and designing floor plans that fit the client's needs. I also assisted in planning a variety of events like weddings, corporate parties, galas, and more.


My greatest accomplishment within my internship experience has been learning the ability to effectively communicate professionally with clients and coworkers. This is a skill that I already knew how to do but within my internship I was able to practice and perfect.

Learning experience

The greatest lesson I learned from my internship experience at Prairie Moon Winery was that participating hands-on is the best way to learn. The first event I ever worked with was a small wedding, and I was thrown into it, not knowing what to do. The event manager walked me through every detail of the night, and by the next event, I was doing the tasks independently. By the time I had worked at the winery for two months, I felt comfortable enough to work a smaller event all on my own. Working hands-on during the event is critical to feeling comfortable doing it individually.

What advice would you give?

My advice for future students is to do research into different careers that are available. I came into this major wanting to become a wedding planner and thinking that that was the only career path I could take. But that is anything but the truth. There are so many different careers that you can go into and I highly encourage everyone to look at all their options!

Career Connections