Awards and Scholarships

Poster Awards

Posters are evaluated by the College of Human Sciences Honors Committee during the poster presentations each fall and spring semester. The evaluation takes place in three categories:

  • The overall layout, graphics, and text of the poster and supplementary materials are evaluated.
  • The poise, organization, and question-answering ability of the presenter is assessed.
  • The rigor, thoroughness, and validity of conclusions is evaluated.

The top scores receive a $200 scholarship.

Entrance Scholarships

During the spring semester, all students who entered the College of Human Sciences Honors program during that academic year are invited to apply for five $1,000 entrance scholarships.

The applications are based on GPA, leadership/involvement, and a short essay that are then evaluated by the CHS Honors Committee. Applicants are required to fill out the online CHS scholarship application. Funds are applied to the students U-Bill during the year following receipt of the scholarship.

Junior Year Scholarships

During the spring semester, all honors students with junior year standing in the College of Human Sciences Honors program are invited to apply for five $1,000 junior year scholarships. The applications are based on GPA, leadership/involvement, and a short essay, and they are evaluated by the CHS Honors Committee.

Need More Information?

CHS Honors Program

131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011-1078


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University Honors Program

2130 Jischke Honors Bldg.
603 Farm House Lane
Ames, Iowa 50011-1057
