Unpacking Your International Experience
- Review the “Marketing your International Experience” workbook.
- Contact chsintl@iastate.edu to set up an appointment to share your study abroad story
- Let your faculty program director or study abroad program coordinator know you are interested in joining the CHS START program
- Set up an appointment with Erin French, CHS Director of International Programs, to share your study abroad story
- Volunteer to be an English Conversation Leader or Partner with ISSO’s English Together program
- Consider adding International Studies as a second major or as a minor
- Enroll in classes that have an international focus
- Join an Iowa State student organization with an international or cultural focus
- Participate in international activities on campus such as a food fair, cultural night, or dance lessons
- Study or intern abroad again before you graduate
- Consider pursuing a graduate degree abroad
- Review this handout for more information.
- Learn more about resumes and references.
- Set up an appointment with CHS Career Services to discuss your resume.
- Share a specific Situation from your study abroad experience.
- Describe a specific Task related to the situation you have chosen.
- Explain the Action that you took to complete the task.
- Describe the end Result or outcome of the experience.
- Refer to the “Marketing your International Experience” workbook or this handout for specific study abroad examples of the S.T.A.R. method.
- Learn more about behavioral-based interviews.
- Set up an appointment with CHS Career Services for advice on preparing for an interview.
Need More Information?
CHS International Programs
131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1124
Need More Information?
Human Sciences Career Services
131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011-1078