Activity availability window

September 26, 2019

When specifying assignment and quiz settings, the instructor creates an ‘Assign to’ rule that defines who has access to the activity and when it is available. Once publish, the activity is available at the Start date/time and can be submitted up to the Until date/time. If no start time is entered, the activity is available immediately. Any submission made after the due time is labeled as late. Setting the due time = until time disallows late submissions. The due time creates an alert notifications for students. Typically one rule is defined for ‘Everyone’ but it is possible to create multiple ‘Assign to’ rules to define unique availability windows for different students, sections, and groups. Important: do not delete the original ‘Assign to’ rule when you create new rules! Together, all the assign to rules should cover all the students. Changing the availability window on a quiz doesn’t affect time allowed per attempt or number of attempts.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 294-9198
Department: in administration