Amie Zarling receives 5-year U.S. Department of Justice grant for evaluation of domestic abuse program in prison settings

May 7, 2020

Amie Zarling, assistant professor in human development and family studies, received $641,386 from the U.S. Department of Justice for a 5-year project to evaluate her program, Achieving Change through Value-Based Behavior (ACTV), in the prison setting for individuals at high risk for repeat domestic violence. Zarling will be principal investigator on the study, working collaboratively with the Iowa Department of Corrections to compare ACTV to traditional programming at the Fort Dodge Correctional Facility. Zarling will examine the processes that need to occur for incarcerated individuals to make positive changes, and how correctional staff can facilitate these changes. The goal of the study is to evaluate and compare how well the programs prepare incarcerated individuals to re-enter their communities, rejoin their families, and reduce future family violence.

Contact Details:

Name: Amie Zarling
Phone: 515-294-5083
Department: human development and family studies