Baran and Bahng receive an ISU Miller Faculty Fellowship to improve students’ reflective practices while using video-enhanced mobile observation app

February 20, 2019

Baran and Bahng receive ISU Miller Faculty Fellowship to design VEO M-Observe pedagogy: Evrim Baran and EunJin (E.J.) Bahng, associate professors in the School of Education, have received a $13,812 Miller Faculty Fellowship grant from Iowa State University to enhance teacher education, especially reflective practices of teacher candidates. By June 30, 2020, Baran and Bahng will design new teaching strategies that use a video-enhanced mobile observation app. Their aim is for teacher candidates to develop capacity as self-regulated critical thinkers through reciprocal peer feedback, learn how to better design student-centered and inquiry-based curricula, and become each other’s critical friends in their journey of becoming teachers of science.

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Contact Details:

Name: Evrim Baran
Phone: 515-294-5287
Department: in the School of Education