Best practices for online exams

September 3, 2020

This semester, many instructors will be offering quizzes and exams online through Canvas for the first time. There are many best practices to guide test design and delivery that help ensure a fair situation for all students. Realize that your exam will be unproctored and design it accordingly. Make use of question order randomization, sampling from larger question banks, “tight” time limits, and providing minimal exam feedback while the test period is open. Understand how to provide time accommodations and how to set makeup exam times for sick students. Upon request, the college’s Online and Distance Learning staff will upload your question banks and code your Canvas quizzes – just fill out the Service Request form on our tip site! The tip site also includes many practical how-to instruction sheets about Canvas Quizzes. Click the MORE link to reach the ODL Tech Tips site.5951

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 294-9198