Canvas course settings

May 28, 2021

Each Canvas course contains several global settings that instructors can tweak. The main ones are accessed by clicking Settings in the Course Menu, then clicking the Course Details tab. Here you can add an image for the course’s dashboard tile, change the course name, specify when students can access the course, and modify the default letter grade breakpoints in the grading scheme to ensure it matches your syllabus. Click the ‘more options’ link on the page bottom to reveal additional important settings. You can then specify that recent announcements display on the homepage, allow students to attach files to discussions (disallowed by default), disallow students to edit their posts (allowed by default), and alter grade feedback. If enrollment is fewer than 30 students, make assignment grade distribution information hidden to protect student privacy. If the course includes complicated end-of-semester scoring adjustments that cause students’ Total scores to be misleading during the semester, hide Totals. Save your revisions by clicking the red “Update Course Details” button on the bottom of the page.

Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 515-296-2084
Department: Human Sciences Administration