Canvas: More tips for creating online tests

April 27, 2021

The goal of high stakes online testing is to create a fair test. Make sure students have several opportunities to become comfortable with the testing tool before taking the high stakes test. This can be done by including multiple low stakes quizzes and/or practice quizzes. Explicitly state how the high stakes test will be delivered, especially if it is different from other tests in the course. Include a pre-test activity where students contribute exams questions to encourage critically review of course content and student buy-in to the test. Include a few of the submitted questions in the exam. Set the test tone by asking students to complete a statement of honesty as the first question. Ask students to justify/explain their answers by adding an open response field after each selected-response question (open response questions require manual grading!). Avoid remote monitoring by video: it often leads to an instructor having to make alternate versions of the test for select students, which can be complicated to set up and adds columns to the grade book.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 515-294-9198