Check for manually added students
October 15, 2019The grade submission tool to convey midterm and final grades from Canvas to AccessPlus only works if the students were enrolled into the Canvas course via a connection to a Registrar classlist. If an instructor manually enrolled students individually, then grades for those students cannot be submitted directly from Canvas. Students may have been manually added at the start of semester because of hiring glitches with the instructor that prevented them from connecting Canvas to the Registrar list, or because a student planned to register late and the instructor wanted to get them into the class quickly. All instructors should go to the PEOPLE list in their Canvas accounts and review the SECTION column. The only Sections listed for students should be Registrar listings, which have labels such as Section 1, Section 2A, etc. If the Canvas account name appears in the Section column, the student has been manually added and may not be officially enrolled.