Copyright and Fair Use in Canvas

September 6, 2018

Many instructors have questions about what they can legally distribute through their Canvas courses or in their classes. Copyright and Fair Use laws are tricky and need to be examined on a case by case basis. A work can be displayed, copied, and shared if it is in the public domain (e.g. government documents, pre-1923 works), or if the copyright holder has relinquished the copyright. Do not assume that images or PDFs you find online are legal to download and redistribute. Librarians at Parks Library can assist in obtaining copyright for your class materials and make them available through the library e-reserves. You then add links to the materials that are held. The library also has many e-subscriptions to journals and video streaming services to which your students can be directed. As a general rule, always link to a copyrighted source, don’t download and save it.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 294-9198
Department: in administration