Eric Olson, Lena Jeong receive funding, Gabrielle Evans to receive scholarship for research on reducing food waste

April 17, 2018

Assistant professors Eric D. Olson and EunHa ‘Lena’ Jeong in apparel, events, and hospitality management and student Gabrielle Evans received $15,000 from the Society for Hospitality and Foodservice Management Foundation for their research project titled, “Using Advertising Message Framing to Reduce Food Waste and Convention and Events.” As part of this research project, student Gabrielle Evans will receive a $7,500 scholarship. The research team will employ The Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom as a research setting as part of the research project.

Contact Details:

Name: Eric Olson
Phone: 515-294-0699
Department: in apparel, events, and hospitality management