Evrim Baran’s research team receives NSF funding to enhance effectiveness of engineering faculty:

October 15, 2020

A research group led by Evrim Baran, associate professor in the School of Education, received a three-year, $299,879 grant from the National Science Foundation. Faculty training is a key factor in the success of integrating evidence-based teaching in classrooms. This project will combine training and feedback in a model named “TEACHActive.” The TEACHActive professional development model will use classroom sensing and machine learning to promote active learning in engineering classrooms. The data collected from integrating this model is expected to promote systematic improvement in evidence-based teaching, which will positively impact student engagement in classrooms. 

This team also includes Stephen Gilbert, Shan Jiang, Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu, and Jameel Kelley in the College of Engineering, and Dana Alzoubi in the School of Education. 

Contact Details:

Name: Evrim Baran
Phone: 515-294-5287
Department: School of Education