Fall Canvas accounts

August 10, 2018

If you do not yet have your fall Canvas account ordered, you can request one by going to ISU Canvas > Help > Global Course Administration > authorize ISU AdminTools (if prompted to do so) > then clicking on one of the two links available: ‘Prepare to Teach’ and ‘Request a Course.’ Anyone can use the ‘Request a Course’ link to order a Canvas account for a class or for a non-class use. If you are listed as the Instructor of Record for a single-section fall course, you can also order from the ‘Prepare to Teach’ link. After the account is ordered and arrives, only the Instructor of Record can enroll students and publish (activate) the course — both of which are done using the ‘Prepare to Teach’ tool. All new courses are blank but you can copy an existing course into it.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Emmbleton
Phone: 515-294-9198
Department: in administration