How to use question banks

June 17, 2021

A question bank is a place to store questions so that they can be used in one or more surveys/quizzes within the course. Typically, a course will contain multiple question banks with questions stored according to topic, book chapter, quiz name, or a combination. Question banks can be built within a course, copied from another Canvas course, imported from publisher materials, or imported from specially formatted text or Word files using Respondus (a question bank software tool that ISU licenses). To use stored questions in a quiz, the instructor will either link to the bank and specify how many questions should be randomly selected from it, or copy select questions from the bank and store the copies in the quiz directly. For more details about building and using question banks, or to request ODL support for uploading question banks and building quizzes in your course, follow the more link.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: (515) 294-9198
Department: in Human Sciences Administration