Iowa State University and the University of Iowa partner to provide new research funding

February 2, 2018

Iowa State University and the University of Iowa have entered into a unique partnership to provide seed funds in support of ISU and UI researchers in developing innovative and ambitious interdisciplinary programs in the areas of antimicrobial research, vaccines and immunotherapy, brain science, and medical devices.
Each team must have one co-principal investigator from ISU and one from UI. The Co-PIs must be tenured associate professors or professors at their respective universities. Awards up to $50,000 per project may be granted over a period of up to two years. More information is available on the ISU Grants Hub internal funding page. The application deadline is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21.

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Contact Details:

Name: Guru Rao
Phone: 515-294-6344
Department: at Iowa State University