Katy Swalwell discusses new book ‘Amazing Iowa Women A to Z’ and summer course on teaching Iowa history on KHOI FM Radio

June 10, 2018

Katy Swalwell discusses new book ‘Amazing Iowa Women A to Z’ and summer course on teaching Iowa history on KHOI FM Radio: Listen in as Katy Swalwell discusses her new book on amazing Iowa women and a summer Iowa history teaching and learning course she teaches, with host Gale Seiler on Local Talk, a KHOI FM radio program. Swalwell and Seiler are both associate professors in the School of Education. The segment first aired on June 8. Swalwell’s segment starts 19 minutes and 45 seconds into the show.

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Contact Details:

Name: Katy Swalwell
Phone: 515-294-4511
Department: in the School of Education