New Gradebook

January 10, 2019

Canvas has a new Gradebook! Some obvious changes: columns display for unpublish and publish assignments, only one icon is used for ungraded assignments, and some icons are replaced by words. Under the View menu you can apply a filter to see a subset of columns, which is useful for grading by assignment group, module, or enrollment section. You can adjust cell color by submission status: none, late, missing, resubmitted, or excused. To edit a cell, hover on it and click the ‘grade detail tray’ icon. You can enter a score, change its submission status label, or open speedgrader. You can still resize and reposition columns by dragging the header cell and message students who meet specific conditions for an assignment. New: you can create rules to adjust scores for cells with a missing or late status but these rules apply to all course work, not to a specific assignment, and cell status must be entered by the instructor. Follow the MORE link to the user guide.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 515-294-9198
Department: in administration