Order your spring accounts

November 26, 2019

It’s time to order your spring Canvas class accounts. You can either request the account yourself using the online format at ISU Canvas > Help > Global Course Administration, or submit a request to Karla Embleton in CHS-ODL (provide the course prefix, course number, and section information — indicate whether you need separate accounts for each section or will combine sections into a single account). Every time you teach you must order a new blank Canvas account. You can either build the new account up or import an existing account into it and update the copied material. To import an existing account you must be a Teacher in it. To use a course that you were not a Teacher in, have the program chair email CHS ODL staff (Karla) indicating that this is acceptable. While staff can order and copy accounts, only the officially designated Instructor of Record can enroll students and publish a course. (IOR status is handled by department support staff.)

Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 515-294-9198
Department: administration