Team led by Jeong Eun Lee awarded $140,000 in second year of grant from National Institute of Food and Agriculture:

October 29, 2020

Research team led by Jeong Eun Lee, assistant professor in human development and family studies, is in their second year of a five-year research project that will last until 2024. This grant is worth a total of $640,000, from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. She will help ISU Human Science Extension and Outreach implement an evidence-based program, “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)” for custodial grandparents and their grandchildren. As there has been an increasing need for a program dedicated to custodial grand-families, the ACT program will provide tools and skill sets these families will benefit from, helping custodial grand-families cultivate psychological flexibility and develop caring and supportive family relationships. 

Also a part of this research team is Amie Zarling in human development and family studies and Brenda Allen in 4-H youth development. 

Contact Details:

Name: Jeong Eun Lee
Phone: 515-294-1884
Department: human development and family studies