Abbey Heinrichs

During my internship, I assisted in developing and implementing a worksite wellness program through Walk With Ease. I created and sent emails to participants, answered questions regarding the program, and made graphics and flyers for the challenge. Another responsibility I held was creating creating a presence on social media. I built a brand, created content, and managed all of the accounts for the Wellness Works team. Additionally, I researched and decided on a health coaching platform for student health coaches to use to coach other students at Iowa State. I created manuals and procedures for this platform. Finally, through the connections I made with Wellness Works, I began health coaching with Album Health. I was assigned clients to schedule calls with and check in on their goal progression.
My greatest accomplishment during my internship was researching and choosing a health coaching platform to adopt as part of the Wellness Works toolbox. After researching a number of potential platforms and meeting with representatives of each one, I made a recommendation and began educating myself on the platform. I was then able to train other students to use it, while running my own pilot program as well.
Learning experience
One of the greatest lessons I learned from my experience is the importance of taking initiative. Nothing will get done if you depend on other people to walk you through every step of the way. Another lesson I learned was the value of team work. It has been fun working closely with a group of other students on a project that has the potential to benefit many people. Finally I learned the importance of time-management and prioritization. Working a fully virtual internship where I make my own schedule brought on the challenge of making work a priority with a number of distractions and other obligations.
What advice would you give?
Start networking now. You never know the connections you can make just by talking about and sharing your goals and dreams.