Ashante Leng

I assist during photoshoots and converse with manufacturers in Mandarin. In addition I gather information and details for promotional events as well as conduct influencer/celebrity research for possible collaborations. That also consist on using social media platforms to upload content creation to help promote the brand and products.
I would say my biggest accomplishment during my internship experience would be being more confident with the work I do and not being afraid to ask questions if I had any.
Learning experience
The greatest lessons I learned from my experience is to not get down when things don't go right the first time, things happen that are out of your control so you should not have it bring you down the rest of the day.
What advice would you give?
Advice I have for future students is don't be afraid to talk to new people to make connections or just to even ask questions. Making connections is super important and could even land you amazing opportunities like an internship or even a full time job in the future.