Avry Bonacci

My responsibilities included making sure that the weight room was clean and organized in a safe manner prior to when the athletes would come in for their lift. I would assist the athletes with anything they needed such as correcting their form, making modifications for exercises if they were injured, and staying prepared to answer any questions they may have about the workout, etc. I made sure that the weight room was left organized and clean after the athletes had finished up for the day. Communicating with the coaches was an essential part of my internship to make sure everyone was on the same page with regards to the workouts and the athletes.
My greatest accomplishment was earning the trust of the athletes and being able to build friendships while also being their coach. Working with young athletes can be a challenge because most of them are fairly inexperienced in an organized weight room setting. Staying patient and working with them on a personal level was something that I am proud to have accomplished in my time at Valley.
Learning experience
The effort you put in will reflect how much you get out of your opportunity. If you come in every day with a great mindset and are eager to learn, then you will have great success. Enjoy the process in not only watching yourself grow but also the people that you are working with.
What advice would you give?
Wherever you decide to complete your internship, always try and come in with a positive mindset and be excited about your opportunity. Chances are that if an organization chose you to work for them, they have confidence in you that you will bring everything you have in the time that you are there. Begin searching for an internship early enough that will allow you to find a position that you will enjoy and will also set you up for a successful future in whichever career path you choose.