Cali Westergard

Major: Kinesiology and Health
Minor/option/emphasis: Exercise Science
Company/Organization: Floyd Valley Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation
Company/Organization website:
Destination: Le Mars, Iowa
Timeframe: Summer
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


On a day to day base the internship required me to take multiple sets of vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose readings, etc.) on many different patients. I also played a key role in helping to decide a patients exercise prescription and how much/fast they progressed. Lastly, I also played a large role in patient care and making sure each client felt well taken care of and comfortable.


I felt like I excelled and gained a lot from multiple different aspects of my internship. However, I would say that I felt exceptionally well about one particular patient who had a very limited range of motion and low strength in their upper body due to underuse in the last few years. I helped prescribe this patient with a strength training program that we worked on every time they came into the clinic. The progress this patient made in the 2 months they came to the clinic was astounding and they are now able to carry their 6 month old grand daughter around!

What advice would you give?

Have an open mind and be ready for anything that could be thrown at you, you will learn a lot more that way!

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