Chris Moir
1. Lead various activities including middle school and high school strength and conditioning classes and before/after school activities 2. Conduct programming for students pertaining to warm-ups/workouts that prepare athletes for movement requirements in sports 3. Create relationships with athletes that allow you to be both a coach and a counselor if needed
1. Developing relationships with the students and realizing that the athletes really trust me as a coach and a leader 2. Being kept on as both an assistant high school strength coach and as the head middle school strength coach while studying in graduate school for the next two years
What advice would you give?
1. Realize that it will take time for students to warm up to you as a coach and even longer for them to trust you a a leader. 2. It will be very beneficial to jump into leading them in warm-ups and classes and to greet each student during each class right from the start. 3. Realizing that these kids are middle/high schoolers and understanding that this means they are not always going to be focused and effortful or make the best decisions each class.