Christina Garnett

I worked on graphic design projects, including Instagram templates, stationery, reels, and more. (There is a newspaper program I created featured on my slideshow below) I blogged and created Instagram posts. I researched different wedding trends, topics, and styles to share with our readers. I created timelines and reached out to vendors and couples At weddings, I assisted in setting up, tearing down, and everything in-between.
My greatest accomplishment while working with Olive Branch was finishing my first wedding. It was very labor intensive, and it took place outside. It was so hot, and I was tired, but I pushed through and felt so rewarded and accomplished on my drive home. Not only did I help someone on their big day, but I did it successfully and had so much fun. I immediately knew I was on the right career path. Another accomplishment I had was being offered a position on the team! I’m so grateful and excited to continue my work with this company!
Learning experience
Ask questions and be confident! Although it can be extremely scary to ask questions, especially when you first start your internship, it will benefit you in the long run. Your supervisors are there to help you learn and immerse you in a possible career choice. While working weddings, I found I had the most fun when I was confident, taking on leadership roles and helping those around me. Even if you have to fake being confident, it's okay! First impressions are key; looking confident makes you look put together and professional.
What advice would you give?
Don't be afraid to reach out and make connections early in your college career. You will feel much more prepared and at ease if you find an internship/make connections before you "have to."