Claire Fricke

Major: Event Management
Company/Organization: Extraordinary Floral and Events
Company/Organization website:
Destination: Polk City, Iowa
Timeframe: Spring
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


One focus of this experience is to learn about flowers and the other focus is learning about events. Some responsibilities I have had are posting on social media, processing flowers, making deliveries, and doing research for events. One exciting responsibility for me was prepping flowers for events such as, Valentine's Day, daddy daughter dances, dance recitals, Prom, and every day flowers. This experience teaches you so much beyond events and flowers as well.


It is so exciting to learn new aspects of this industry. I have a passion for flowers so this experience has been amazing. I think my greatest accomplishment at this point is just learning so many different things about flowers and events.I would say getting through Valentine's Day was quite an accomplishment because it is a busy week full of stress and uncertainty, especially being an intern, but it is so fun to be part of it all. I have also been working on a project of doing a flower bar. I am very excited where this idea may go.

What advice would you give?

Some advice for future students is to make the most out of your time you have. Always be present when you are at work because that is when you are going to learn. Also, ask questions lots of questions. The more questions I ask the more I feel informed and part of the organization. Also, be open minded. Always be willing to try something new and step up. This will make you stand out.

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