Clara Candelario

Lead Group fitness classes: barre, pilates, cyclone sculpt, dance and sculpt, zumba, hip hop, dance party, intro to exercise Trained clients as a personal trainer Attended the learn to train class Mentored students into teaching classes Lead a dance instructor training program Assisted in scheduling instructors for classes
The greatest accomplishment during my internship experience was seeing how much of an impact one can make on the participants days. The people who come to the fitness classes are the reason that I love doing what I do and during my time as an intern I have gotten to see more and more faces throughout the semester and have become very close to some of the participants. I enjoy seeing them come in ready to work and to dedicate the time for themselves.
Learning experience
I learned that although you want to do everything, it is also important to take a break every once in a while and give yourself the time to breath.
What advice would you give?
If you ever have the opportunity to learn more about a certain topic or aspect of fitness, take the opportunity and absorb as much as you can!