Dana Zuber

Major: Event Management
Company/Organization: Event Management Office ISU Memorial Union
Company/Organization website: https://www.mu.iastate.edu/
Destination: Ames, IA
Timeframe: Spring
Advisor/Coordinator Email: briaj@iastate.edu


In the Event Management Office, the responsibilities may vary day to day. The main responsibilities to expect are: responding to emails, phone calls, room requests, assisting the full-time staff with diagramming and helping with larger events. In the office, the main responsibility is to have exceptional customer service and making sure we are providing a welcoming environment to our customers.


The greatest accomplishment from this experience has been creating events that are successful. When clients are happy with the details that are added to their reservation, the room diagram, and the service we provide, that is very rewarding.

Learning experience

The greatest lessons I have learned from working in the Event Management Office is that you will need to develop two very important skills. One, having exceptional customer service and making sure you are helping customers to the best of your ability. Second, having patience. Going along with customer service, it is beneficial to make sure you have patience with customers. Many times, the customer is unaware of what they are wanting or looking for with their event but you need to have the patience and educate them about their options.

What advice would you give?

For future students, I advise you to make sure you can excel in your customer service. That can make or break a successful event. Your clients will appreciate your hard work and planning if you provide them with great customer service. Customers will then become loyal customers if you continue to show that exceptional service.

Career Connections