D’essence Morris

I’ve been able to develop social media tactics to help boost the company’s online engagement as well as set a schedule for posting content. I was able to give beneficial advice that was useful to Nekia. I have also been able to come to Nekia’s workspace and assist with cutting and sewing of a few custom orders including sewing a maternity gown and cutting the patterns for a pair of sequin pants. On a daily basis, I meet with Nekia and I am involved in the daily life of Nik Star Boutique.
I was able to accompany Nekia to the Giselle Magazine Fashion Show. I made sure Nekia had everything she needed as well as managing the models during the event. I also helped models get in and out of their garments behind stage. I took high quality photos of models in particular garments Nekia wanted to feature. She was able to use them to provide content on the brands Instagram @nikstarboutique. This was a very fast paced and fun experience. I was able to network with many other designers and models as well as be heavily engaged of the behind the scenes of the show. I was invited to enter garments next year, and I will!
Learning experience
I have learned that breaks are necessary. Sometimes my mind gets so fixated on a particular task that I’m working with that I forget to take a break and give myself time to rejuvenate. When having a lot to do it can be easy to get wrapped up in tasks and have little self care. I work myself extremely hard which is not entirely bad but as I have forced myself to take much needed breaks, I now see how important they are to my health and success. While I have learned this, I am still working towards getting better at prioritizing it.
What advice would you give?
Never stop reaching out. There is help in many places that can help you find a position where you will thrive. New things can be scary but take everything as an experience that is further equipping you for your future. It’ also very important to reach out and search sooner in the process rather than later to avoid a stressful situation with finding an internship. If you don’t land your top-choice position, don’t allow it to make you doubt yourself. Just realize there is a better opportunity for you elsewhere. I truly believe that I landed the best position for me and am extremely grateful for that!