Dominick Tamayo-Myers

I am interning as a Fashion Office Assistant for Ross Stores, Inc. in their New York Buying Office. Throughout the duration of my internship, I am switching every week from working in the "Youth Apparel : Youth" and the "Missy Dresses" department. I do a lot of trend research, looking at trend reports, analyzing data, putting together mood boards, comp shopping, and attending meetings. Basically, we are a support team (the Fashion Office) to the buyers, we trend forecast for them to encourage and influence them on what to buy and what our customers at Ross will want.
My greatest accomplishment so far has been the connections and knowledge I have gained. The connections I have made here was/is my biggest goal here. I plan to move here in March 2023, so I wanted to really get my foot in the door with a reputable company and meet everyone who is employed there and who I come into contact with in the building.
Learning experience
The greatest lesson I have learned is to slow down and make sure what I am turning in is 100% what I want to send. I have been told this before in my professional career, which is to slow down. I like to take on many tasks and try and finish as much as I can, and sometimes that just is not the best way to do things. I love this lesson because it really is shifting my mind to REALIZING that I need to take a step back and revise everything, make sure it has every bit of information I need, that is formatted correctly, etc. This lesson will help me not only in a professional setting, but every aspect of my life.
What advice would you give?
Some advice I have for future AMD majors is to not get caught up on being one thing/position. Every time throughout school that I have thought to myself "I want to be a buyer. No, now I want to be a stylist." and this doesn't allow me to keep my eyes and ears open for new and different opportunities. Get out there, explore other positions because it could really be something you end up enjoying.