Erin Goraczkowski
I shadowed caseworkers, and social workers, BHIS workers during home visits, therapy sessions, and during their paperwork to get a better understanding of what their job duties and and days are like. I wrote mock progress notes, home studies, completed reference calls, as well as variance requests. Gained a better understanding of the Child Welfare system and participated in different types of trainings to strengthen this.
Being able to connect with clients and staff, creating adoption preferences worksheet for caseworkers to utilize when finding specific homes for children that had TPR occur, and also applying my coursework to real life experiences.
Learning experience
The Child Welfare System is not black and white and can be pretty messy so judging bio parents and foster parents for their life choices is not an option. We have to look at the big picture and can’t take anything to heart.
What advice would you give?
Try everything that interests you and get experience in all areas because it will set you up for your future because you never know what you may like.