Gina Chandler

Major: Event Management
Company/Organization: Sherwood Forest Event Center
Company/Organization website:
Destination: Des Moines, Iowa
Timeframe: Summer
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


I am responsible for the planning and preparation of the special events that Sherwood Forest Event Center puts on. This includes but is not limited to tours of the space, receiving payments from contracts, invoices and signages to the contracts, beverage agreements and insurance policies. I also am behind the scenes working towards bettering the website, working on marketing pieces and staying up to date with social media postings. When the event is taking place I have to stay on top of tending to the bride and grooms or whoever's event it is needs. As well as tending the bar, checking bathrooms and cleaning up all messes during and after the event


I believe my greatest accomplishment thus far is having a role and responsibility and being the direct form of contact when dealing with certain clients.

Learning experience

No one starts off perfect. It is a working progress. It's not about how fast you do something, but how efficiently too. Also any question is a good question. We are interns! Interns don't know everything. For most people-- its our first dip into big, real world jobs.

What advice would you give?

Don't put off your internship. If I could have started mine earlier or done a couple before this one I would feel even more prepared for the real world after graduation. Any experience is great experience and I know I've learned way more during my internship then I ever did in a classroom

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