Heidi Mailahn

Designed and instructed a variety of group fitness classes for the pool and gym. Membership sales, facility tours, and equipment instruction. Personal trained a client for a few sessions. Went to several health screens in the community where I did blood pressure, height/weight/waist measurements, or finger sticks. Led one lunch and learn in the community. And helped with the American Heart Walk in Des Moines.
Being able to design and teach a group fitness class with having little to no experience before my internship. I found out that it's something I love to do. After a few classes it came to me naturally and then I was able to vary how the classes were set up.
What advice would you give?
Don't be afraid to try something new and get out of your comfort zone. Before my internship I had never taught a group fitness class. After teaching my first one I fell in love with it and it helped me figure out what I would like to do for a career.