Ingrid Comparan

One of my main responsibilities is to work with alterations to meet the wants and needs of our customers. This can be from fixing a hem to adding a bustle to a wedding dress. I also must interact with customers and help make their experience as great and smooth as possible.
My greatest accomplishment thus far is working on a dress with beading. I had never done beadwork before, and I was challenged to learn, and I think it turned out great. The customer was really happy, and I got to learn a new skill that I will hopefully get to use in the future. I’ve learned that I should challenge myself more because I love learning new things and my mentor has really pushed me to try new things.
Learning experience
My greatest lessons were to step out of my comfort zone and try and learn new things. I've learned a lot so far and a lot of new things I didn't think I would do. I've learned to push myself because I can do anything if I really try.
What advice would you give?
Don’t be afraid to try new things and challenge yourself. You don’t know what you could be good at if you never try new things. You might find you’re good at something you never thought you would be good at or that you enjoy something you didn’t think you would.