Jacob Lenhart
Youth Recovery Specialist Relates to residents in a caring, supportive, and therapeutic manner. Provides the necessary amount of structure to facilitate growth and productive functioning of the facility. Provides for the daily maintenance of the house and assumes that safe living conditions are provided in compliance with fire, safety, and health regulations. Write contact notes and lead program groups. The contact notes get billed to insurance. Administer medications to clients and help the clients understand what medications they are on. Create structure by enforcing rules and consequences when necessary.
My greatest accomplishment from my experience was being able to write and lead my own program group called, Know Your Own Laws. I asked the clients what group was missing and they said that they wanted to better understand the legal system. This group was all about where laws come from, parts of government, and how to abide by the laws set forth by the state and federal governments.
What advice would you give?
Find a field you are passionate in and go for it. You will do so much better in this field if you pick something that you can draw on personal experience, but make sure you take care of yourself. You can not care for others if you do not take care of yourself first.