Jared Brauman

During my Internship at West Liberty Foods, my responsibilities included assisting in preparing formulas (meat recipes), cooking the formulas, and recording yields. I also assisted in slicing and packing those meats. When I wasn't assisting the technicians and scientists, I was working on my research project for the company. My research project was looking into All-Natural Phosphate alternatives, I completed this by doing research into ingredient companies that had All-Natural Phosphates, reaching out to the companies and getting samples, testing those samples in WLF products, taking yields and putting all the data together.
My greatest accomplishment from my experience at West Liberty Foods was getting to present all of my findings for some of the other employees. On the day before my last day I presented my findings to a large (socially distant) group of people, there were also people watching through Google Meets. It was a good feeling getting to show all my hard work paying off.
Learning experience
The Greatest Lesson I learned from my internship is that you need to be able to talk to people and network in this business. The knowledge of science and food and creativity is unfortunately only half the battle, being able to make impressions and remember what you hear and who you meet is also important.
What advice would you give?
A big piece of advice I would give to future student is to always be filling out internship applications, never rest on one or two potentials. Don't stop filling out forms until the minute you sign the onboarding paperwork for a company.