Jordana Jones

There is a variety of task that interns can do. You get a choice in what you would like to do. For example I chose to have 3 main focuses, assisting with the creation and completion of marketing products which include: monthly newsletter, marketing flyers, agenda/speaker bios, event evaluations and evaluation analytics for events during the semester. Update and revamp WELLCOMs organizational assessment survey and report that is given to members to evaluate their wellness program. as well as solicit and squire donations for the Light of Wellness Awards Dinner which is one of their annual fundraisers. This is just what I did, they always have new and different tasks that interns can take charge of and at the beginning you can decide what you would specifically like to focus on!
My greatest accomplishment was exceeding my fundraising goal of $500 by raising over $8000 for the Light of Wellness Awards dinner!
What advice would you give?
Even though this internship is in Omaha it is worth it. You get so much experience in so many different things. They are also great about helping you network with SO MANY wellness professionals because they have so many different members!