Kara Gerke
- Serve in the bar and grill - Serve in the fine dining area of the club - Manage the cabana (5-6 employees) - Work weekly buffet events (BBQ and family buffet) - Work weekly events throughout the club (corporate events, family dinners, club events, member mixers, etc.) - Help plan events throughout the club
- One of my favorite things about this internship is that I make connections and relationships with members. Last week one of the member's guests gave me a card to contact a woman that does golf events in the city. I told him my major and he was eager to help me! Last week I also had a table that was super kind and fun. They said they loved me and the next time they came in, they requested me!
What advice would you give?
- If you have never served and you aren't sure how to do little things that can contribute to the success of your event, I would intern here. At first I was annoyed because it isn't strictly event. I definitely am doing more serving and working the events than actually help plan them, but I never knew how to properly serve so I am okay with it! It is still a large learning experience and I still have time to do another internship if I choose to do so.