Kate Sanders

While interning here, I had a varieties of duties. They included: 1)Take on and work with clients of a variety of backgrounds - Put clients through fitness assessment for base-line needs - Explain fitness assessment results to clients - Set SMART Goals with clients - Design and implement training programs based on client’s needs and goals - Keep record of all training sessions for each client - Schedule client training sessions 2) Orientate new members: - Let them know what we have to offer to them as members - Show them how to use equipment and machines 3) Attend community activities 4) Attend weekly trainer meetings 5) Sub for group exercise classes as needed 6) Tend to all things MyZone: - Marketing - Setting up new user accounts - Going over how it works - Answering questions on account set up - Solve technical difficulties - Ordering more MyZone belts - Returning broken belts
The greatest accomplishment career-wise from this experience would have to be earning my personal trainer certification through the American Council on Exercise as well as just becoming a better trainer altogether through learning the ways of my coworkers as well as continuing to do my own research and learning. Personally, however, my greatest accomplishment here would have to be creating relationships with so many of the wonderful people I've met, and knowing I will have lifelong friends here.
What advice would you give?
Get out and experience something new while you can and in the process, get "comfortable being uncomfortable." It will make you grow so much more as a person.