Kayla Stott
I worked in the quality assurance lab during my internship. My responsibilities included creating internal quality assurance packets and test kits, analyzing microbial test results, organizing manufacturing records, and plating environmental samples. I also participated in quality department discussions and meetings.
My greatest accomplish from my summer at Mill Haven Foods was gaining a more thorough understanding of quality assurance and its importance to the reputation of a company. I also completed a summer project that allowed me to apply what I had learned in the classroom to solving a problem that will benefit the company after my time there.
What advice would you give?
Do not be afraid to put yourself out there as well as challenge yourself. Also, you do not know what you like or don't like until you try it. I never would have imagined that I would have liked working in quality, but after this summer I realized how much I enjoyed it. Lastly, build relationships with the people you work with.