Lal Thangi

My responsibilities include promotion and advocation of Black pregnant women's health and birth mortality. For promotion, I am responsible for creating flyers and posters about our upcoming events. I also manage our social media platforms in order to spread awareness and advocate for Black birth mortality. Since my internship is completely online, most of my days look like one of the pictures provided which is me working on my laptop at home, alongside my cat.
My greatest accomplishment during my internship experience was creating event flyers that were used to gather the community, Our first community baby shower was advertised and promoted on our Facebook page and we had successful engagement and participation from the community.
Learning experience
My greatest lesson I learn from my experience is the role of good leadership in running an organization which was exemplified by our Co-founder Ebonie Bailey and my supervisor, Ashley Garrin.
What advice would you give?
There are many things you can do with public health and if there is a specific issue or cause that you want to focus on, do not be afraid to pursue your passion. There are many organizations and people in public health that can and want to help you.