Laura Cooke

Major: Kinesiology and Health
Company/Organization: Iowa State Olympic Sports Strength and Conditioning
Destination: Ames, Iowa
Timeframe: Summer 2023
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


During my internship my responsibilities included setting up and taking down equipment as well as assisting athletes in adding/removing weights during there session, understanding how to auto regulate methods of periodization based on the sport, develop an annual plan to enhance athlete development and get a better understanding of technology used to test athletes for injuries/progress. Example of this included Force Decks and the Gym-aware technology to name a couple.


My greatest accomplishment during my internship experience was creating an annual plan that I was very happy with. It was a very challenging assignment for me to create but I feel as though it was one of the first times I had really put all the knowledge that I accumulated in school down on paper in a practical setting. Having feedback on this and adding to it helped me to learn so much and I feel confident in my abilities to program for multiple different sports.

Learning experience

I learned that it is okay to be confident during my internship. I am a very reserved and shy person but this is rather impossible in the field of Strength and Conditioning. This encouraged me to build connections, relationships and use my voice to lead sessions. This is something that I hope to carry with me for the rest of my life.

What advice would you give?

Some advice I would give to future students in my major would be to get as much hands on experience as possible and the sooner you can do this the better. Also be confident in what you are doing and saying even if you don't feel it. Fake it until you make it! If you speak with confidence, it comes across as though you are confident and people pick up on this and listen to you. Also remember, everyone has to start somewhere.

Career Connections