Levi Riesberg

- Creating flexible graphene-based sensors for detection of Parkinson's disease. - Retrieving supplies from chemical store, molecular biology building. - Conducting extensive research on chemical interactions, biomarkers, MOF's, etc. - Preparing presentations to share findings with fellow members of the laboratory. -Troubleshooting software issues with sensor testing equipment.
My greatest accomplishment during this internship experience was helping push forward the progress on the flexible biomarker sensor. We conducted extensive research on how to make the sensor more conductive, and how to allow it to trap gases from the skin more effectively. This led us to the use of MOF, which we used in collaboration with Dr. Reza Montazami's lab members.
Learning experience
The greatest lessons I learned from this experience is that nothing will beat consistent, diligent hard work. You cannot replace hard work and consistency with cramming or underpreparing and expecting to get the same results. Hard work is the only way that you will get the best possible results, the results that everyone wants.
What advice would you give?
My advice for future students would be to take your time in deciding where you'd like to do your internship. Start searching early and find one you genuinely enjoy. In addition to this, don't pigeonhole yourself into one career path, even if you're a senior in your last semester like myself. There is always time to reinvent yourself and take a new path, you just need to create a plan and put it into action.