Lexie Ruscheinski

Major: Child, Adult, and Family Services
Company/Organization: Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children
Company/Organization website: http://www.iowaaeyc.org/
Destination: Des Moines,IA
Timeframe: Spring
Advisor/Coordinator Email: enloe@iastate.edu


-Assist with programs such as Professional Development, Farm to ECE, T.E.A.C.H (Teacher Education and Compensation Helps), and EQUIP (Early Childhood Quality Improvement Project). -Compile month-end report data from agencies/facilitators for consideration by ECI PD Executive Committee and Early Learning; report at state level and by agency. -Assist Leadership Teams to provide information for revisions and update of content for the Core Knowledge of Child Development. -Shadow along on recruiting visits, community partnership meetings, and presentations to boards -Help with preparation of and attend March Early Childhood Workforce Advisory Meeting. -Assist with Spring Leadership Summit.


Being able to attend "Early Childhood Day on the Hill" at The DSM Capitol Building where we got to meet other early childhood professionals and different legislators.

What advice would you give?

Have your internship be something you are interested in/want to do! You will get the most out of it that way.

Career Connections