Mackenzie Curran

The Jordan Creek mall can be very overwhelming with the number of customers it brings in, but I love the excitement and rush it gives me. I was able to pick up on things very quickly, especially with the fitting rooms. My favorite part of working, is being able to be in charge of the fitting rooms. Altar’d State has particular guidelines you have to follow. One of them being, to style every customer that tries any of the products on. This can get very fun and unique because I am constantly putting different outfits together to make the customer satisfied. I also enjoyed assisting with resetting the floor set.
I have had many different accomplishments during my time at Altar'd State. The accomplishments that one to mind is one being I grow my personable skills daily by being surrounded by so many types of customers. Second, my sales goals are always doubled by the time my shift is done, and I think that really shows that I am productive and try to excel as much as possible. Third, my professional skills continue to excel with each shift, as I learn and understand more of the ins and outs of the business. Retail is no joke! It requires a lot of time and energy.
Learning experience
One of the most valuable lessons I have learned during my internship experience is my time management skills. The past couple of months have been hectic with balancing school, on top of my internship, and my social life. There have been hardships, but I overcame them knowing that it will pass and I still have so much time to do the things that I need to do, or want to do.
What advice would you give?
My advice for AESHM students before they start their internships, is to have an open mind. I was supposed to be a Shop in Shop intern for Guess, INC this past summer, but it was cancelled because of COVID-19. I then, had to take matters into my own hands, and find something regardless if it was something I hadn’t pictured. Everything ends up working out, as long as you work hard, and have determination