Mallory Logsdon

Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Company/Organization: All Aboard for Kids
Company/Organization website:
Destination: Ames, Iowa
Timeframe: Spring 2023
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


My official title was an Administrative Intern. I managed the company's social media and website, contributed to program planning, created t-shirt and flyer designs, attended company meetings with clients and partners, and assisted with many other tasks as needed.


I would say my greatest accomplishment was completely reconstructing the company's website from the ground up. I had to learn the software before being able to make any changes, and the process as a whole ended up taking several months. I had never done something like that before, but my supervisors trusted me and told me to go ahead and do it. It ended up being really fun and my supervisors loved the final product!

Learning experience

One thing I learned is that being passionate about the mission of your company makes your job not feel like work! It's super important to find a company that you can buy in to what they are doing for their clients. When you love where you're working and the work you are doing, life will be so much better.

What advice would you give?

Find an internship that you will have fun doing! Don't settle for one just because it's within your major or college. Search for something that you will enjoy, because it has the potential to turn into a long-term job post-grad. Also, make sure you connect well with the agency supervisors and your coworkers. Being a part of a supportive team will make the work go a lot smoother.

Career Connections