Mary Kate Sajnaj

My internship responsibilites included the following: Taking blood pressure. Assisting the phlebotomist during blood draws. Performing Cognition Assessments on the clients. Taking waist/calf/arm circumferences weekly. Mastering all physical activity and health assessments in older adults. Assisting our Project Manager and Data Manager by organizing and complying data collected The overall log/scheduling of our participants.
Being able to facilitate and lead the orientation brief by assisting the participants to ensure success with their upcoming mentally and physically challenging assessments.
Learning experience
The most valuable lesson I learned was building strong relationships with those superior to me in the workplace. I have such a better and more firm understanding of how research labs are operated helps me confirm what I want to do with my degree.
What advice would you give?
I advise those in Kinesiology to retain as much information from previous classes as possible. It is one thing to learn about through PowerPoint and class lectures, but it is a completely different experience to constantly have hands-on experience. Thus, be adequately prepared to go into your internship.