McKenzie Crail
It is my responsibility to assist the moms with anything they need. This can include taking them to the store, helping them with their babies, or just keeping them company and watching a movie with them. It is also my responsibility to ensure that all of the bedrooms are clean and ready for a new mom to move in at any time. We also receive a lot of donations from the community, and I am responsible for sorting through them and organizing everything properly.
During my internship, there was a short amount of time that we didn't have a director. My biggest accomplishment was being confident enough to step up and help out as much as possible while we were without a director. I figured things out along the way and probably messed up a couple of times, but I truly think it was such a great learning opportunity to be in charge of an organization during that short period of time.
Learning experience
I learned that this field of work will be extremely difficult at times but that it is worth it. I learned that it is my duty to help as much as possible and that certain situations will be really sad to deal with, but that I need to be strong for the clients I serve. I learned that I can be in charge of an organization and can be confident in my decision-making.
What advice would you give?
One piece of advice I have would be to ask questions when you have them. You are at your internship to learn and aren't expected to know everything on your first day. It is okay to ask questions; the directors of the organizations understand that they are there to educate you. I would also say to be confident in yourself and your decision-making. Since you are interning, the director might ask your thoughts/opinions on a certain situation, and you should be confident when answering them.