Megan Muller

Assist with projects at the Israel Family Hospice House, attend public health foot clinics around the county – help set up and talk to patients, take minutes at meetings, help director create PowerPoints and graphics, update emergency plan contact information, create a poster promoting health and wellness among the elderly population, then present the poster at foot clinics
My greatest accomplishment from my experience was creating a poster promoting health and wellness among older adults in Iowa and then presenting it to people at senior foot clinics around the county. They really seemed to enjoy listening to what I was saying and asked questions if they had any. It was a good feeling knowing that I was making a difference in their health.
What advice would you give?
My advice for future students is to stay busy! Some internships can get a bit boring if there isn't anything to do, which is oftentimes the case when the internship is unpaid, so staying busy can make the whole experience more fun. Make sure your projects are complete, spell-checked, and look presentable, ask around for other jobs you can do, and just generally try to be as helpful as possible. You will come out of your internship having had more experiences than you did coming in and you will feel like you have learned something.